Analyse épidémiologique COVID-19 - Mai 2021
31 mai 2021
Up to 29 May 2021, the Ministry of Health in Djibouti has confirmed 11,521 cases of COVID-19 in Djibouti, with 154 fatalities reported since the beginning of the pandemic.

The progress of the epidemiological situation in Djibouti during the month of May 2021 is more reassuring in comparison with the months of March and April. There was a remarkable decline in the number of cases starting from the epidemiological week 18 up to epi week 21 (from 2 to 29 May 2021) with 406 new cases reported during this period compared to 2,443 cases and 2,612 cases reported during the months of March and April respectively. There was also a decline in the fatality rate with 9 deaths reported during the same period (epi weeks 18 to 21/ 2021) compared to 73 deaths reported during epi weeks 14 to 17/ 2021. The positivity rate returned back to its normal range in Djibouti (2%) during the epi week 21 (23 to 29 May 2021) after reaching a record percentage (24%) during the epi week 13 (28 March to 3 April 2021), representing the peak of the second wave in the country, that is coming near to its end. The case fatality rate stayed stable at 1.3%. The Djiboutian government is vigilant to the progress of the pandemic globally especially the new variants circulating in many neighboring countries. Restrictions regarding the travel from and to some countries including India, Brazil and South Africa has been taken on the last week of April 2021.